Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Teagan at 6 months!

We're actually a few weeks behind with this post but I'm going to give myself a break with this.  My little peanut is 6 months!  Here is what has been up with T lately....

-I haven't had her weighed since last month but I'm guessing she weighs somewhere between 13 and 14 pounds. I'm hoping to get her weighed sometime soon, she definitely is starting to feel heavier to me, her legs are filling out, and she can eat like an animal!
-Did I mention she can eat?  she is currently eating 3 meals of solid food a day. I can usually tell when she's had enough because she just gets distracted and disinterested in the food. She will, however usually still open her mouth if the spoon is there anyway hahah
-She LOVES her mum mums and when i put frozen fruit in her mesh feeder. That thing is great for teething and it keeps her entertained for quite awhile
-T loves being in the Baby Bjorn.  When she was small and we had to have her faced in, she hated it. Now that she gets to face out and can see everything that is going on, she really likes it.  We'll walk around the mall and she just blows bubbles and smiles at people and kicks her legs.
- She is still a pretty serious and intense baby but you can definitely get some good smiles out of her, and she is laughing more and more
-She is still not a fan of the car seat. She still cries sometimes when i put her in but when she does she usually stops once we get outside and in the car.
-T has two teeth, the bottom front ones, and more on the way!
-Her favorite toy right now seems to be a rubber crab that goes in the bath.  I think it's something about it's little legs and how they make good things to chew on. She also still likes her crinkly books, her owl stroller toy, her Exersaucer and seems to be obsessed with our T.V. remote. We bought her her own, but it doesn't seem to compare for some reason.
-Her favorite things to do are sit on the floor with her toy basket in front of her and pull all the toys out (I think it makes her feel very independent) , play with the sink faucet in the bathroom (although we now have to be careful because she has figured out how to turn it on!), attempt to climb on everything, especially the back of the couch, going out to places with lots of people and staring at them (she can win any staring contest, she's so funny!) and chewing on her feet.
-She is reaching for EVERYTHING and seems to think she can crawl and climb. She's not quite there yet and gets frustrated when she can't get at something she wants
-T takes between 2 and 3 naps a day. Her naps vary in length but she usually has her first one around 10, sleeps on average 1-11/2 hours and goes for the second sometime around 2. Depending on how long she naps for the second, I sometimes try to put her down for a quick 3rd nap around 4:30 or 5.  If we're out at this time she'll often have this last nap in the car. For bedtime, we start her routing at about 6:30. Marc will giver her a bath, put her in her sleep sac, giver her a bottle, read a story and then i will nurse her. She is usually asleep by 7:30 sleeps all through the night (I know, I'm lucky!) and gets up between 7:30 and 8.
- Like I mentioned, T is very intense and has a huge personality already.  She is not the most cuddly baby but is getting more so.  She is so much more content now that she can sit on her own and has some independance.  She is off all medication for reflux (although still spits up a lot, but doesn't seem to bother her) I am eating dairy again (Yay!) and her digestive system seems to be working better. She is way less gassy, and all around just a happier baby.  I don't know what did it, could have been the Bio Gaia probiotics we were giving her, the introduction of solids or just maturity that has helped, but whatever it is, we are all so much happier!

Her cute jester hat made for her by Tante Lise

Christmas dress!

She looks so grown up!

I love how she is so fascinated by her cousin Aubrey!

Teagan and her 2 cousins Aubrey and Manon

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