- You know you are pregnant when at the grocery store, suddenly ALL the fruit looks good and you go on a crazy pregnant lady fruit buying frenzy.
- I think this whole nesting thing is setting in. Or maybe it's anxiety that I won't have the time to do what I have on my list before baby comes
-weeding my planters and garden, then planting the flowers and few vegetables I have to go
in (believe me I have scaled down this year)
-getting together with friends I want to see before baby arrives (several BBQs planned)
-finish the few last things in the baby's room (like hanging pictures, putting up shelves)
-make and freeze some foods so we won't starve when baby gets here (a little exaggeration
I know)
-get my employment insurance form filled out so I at least get some measly pay while on Mat
and the list goes on.......
- Last night I had a dream that I lost my mucous plug and it was basically 2 hearts (yes the organs) (!!??!! gross) and I was running around trying to figure out what to do with them... to flush...or not to flush...will it go down?? soooo weird. That's not even the weirdest thing I have dreamt about this pregnancy.... there have been many more, but I might spare you the details of those ones. I generally have very vivid dreams, but these last 9 months have been some of the strangest.
- I am still trying to get around to my 36 week post. I still have to take a picture. Add this to the list.
- Becoming slightly obsessed with Facebook Scrabble
- The distance I can walk now is seriously shorter. Its giving me Braxton Hicks and when I feel tightening really low down, it feels like it's radiating in my thighs
- I really wish I could get rid of this persistent headache
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