How far along? 30 Weeks
Total weight gain? 19 Lbs
Maternity clothes? Can I just leave out this question now? Pretty much unless I found a flattering top that works in a bigger size
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Usually the sleeping itself isn't that difficult (except when this little monkey is crawling all over the place. Last night it was like non stop!) What is tough is the getting up to pee or when I need to roll over it feels like a bowling ball in there.
Best moment this week? Just being 30 Weeks!
Miss anything? Being able to sit comfortably. My back is either sore or it is putting too much pressure on the lower part of my belly. Since I am not very long in the torso, my belly comes right out from below my boobs. Sometimes I am starting to wonder if the baby will have enough room to be head down and vertical! So far it really likes to be diagonal.
Movement? Um, yeah. I honestly have not even bothered to count kicks. I really haven't needed to! Now there are a lot more rolls and slides though, and being able to feel more pokey bits like elbows and knees.
Food cravings? Nothing specific. Since being home from our weekend of food adventure I have been back to eating pretty healthy.
Food aversions? My new Omega three gummies. Blah. I can definitely taste the fishyness. so stupid that Costco gets rid of things so fast. These taste like sugared fruity fish jelly.
Labor signs? Some painless Braxton hicks
Symptoms? Pressure on the ribs (and organs?) when i sit and lean over (who are we kidding, slouch), The need to pee has increased again, back pain (the chiro said it looks really good now, but i won't be able to be totally pain free with being pregnant) and achy in the legs when I stand too long at work (been pretty good at wearing my compression stockings and they seem to help a bit)
Belly button in or out? In
Looking forward to? Having baby's room painted so we can set up the furniture!
So since I missed my 29 week post, here are pictures for both 29 and 30 weeks :)
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29 Weeks |
30 Weeks |
30 weeks |
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