Tuesday, 13 March 2012

24 (and a half!) weeks!

Nothing too crazy exciting happening here this week. So far it has consisted of responsible things such as appointments for getting financial things and investments in order, getting taxes done, and going to the chiropractor to fix my broken self. I have had the urge to bake things lately. Anything really, but have not gotten around to it.  Speaking of which, there are a lot of things that I just haven't gotten around to doing lately. I think I have to get back to making a list of to do's.

How far along?  24 (1/2) Weeks

Total weight gain?  15 Lbs

Maternity clothes?  Still squeezing into some old tops

Stretch marks?  No

Sleep? Definitely not great, although the nightly pee's have decreased

Best moment this week?  Taking a comfort measures prenatal class with the husband :)

Miss anything? Um, being able to pee without practically taking my bottoms off, also sitting comfortably cross legged 

Movement? Feeling stronger kicks

Food cravings? Vegetables. I don't know if this is really a craving or just what my body feels it needs more of now. It's so much easier to eat fruit throughout the day, but (I have been trying to keep to the 2-3 servings a day recommended by my doctor) I would much rather have a plate of raw veggies to snack on.

Food aversions?  Nothing major

Labor signs? No

Symptoms? Think I'm having a growth spurt, or baby is because I have been feeling hungrier and thirstier. Same back pain and now a bit of pain in the tailbone when I sit. Also slightly getting worried that I am getting abdominal separation :(

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Looking forward to? Going to sleep tonight with my magic bag. Sigh.

24 Weeks

24 Weeks

Its crazy to look back on all of the weeks of belly picks so far. A few weeks ago I felt like I was getting big, now I look back at them and think, my god I look small !

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