Monday, 30 January 2012

Welcome to my blog! I created this to document my adventure into mommyhood.

I'm a 30 year old hairstylist by trade, but a past professional cook. Cooking is still one of my biggest passions, along with travelling. One of my favorite things to do while travelling is to try the local food and to bring home things like spices to cook with and try to recreate what I have tried.  I love to read, go to the movies, discover new music, and dance (although I have to admit there hasn't been a lot of that going on lately ;)

My husband and I met several years ago, got married last spring on May 28th, and now we're expecting our first baby. I still can't get over the fact that there is a little being in there!

Since i am starting this blog at 18 weeks, I will post some pics from when I was 13 and 16 weeks as well.
Here is what has been going on so far:

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain? About 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? All bottoms
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Getting tough. Sleeping with a wedge now and starting to feel barricaded in a fortress.  Hip pain when sleeping on my side for too long.
Best moment this week? Feeling the baby move from the outside, and the lobster tail I had at the Keg on Saturday night
Miss anything? Sleeping comfortably and not having to get up to pee at least one during the night
Movement? More and more. Especially after eating
Food cravings? Crab legs and burritos
Food aversions? No big aversions but the textures of food are making me gaggy still, like bananas and oatmeal.
Labor signs? None
Symptoms? Sciatic nerve pain, sore boobs, some headaches still   
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to? Going to Punta Cana next month!

13 Weeks

13 Weeks

16 Weeks
16 Weeks

18 Weeks

18 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. yay first blog entry! your belly is adorable and you look amazing xoxo
